I know it's just shots. We've had little sicknesses and bumps and bruises, but we are blessed with a healthy child and that's more than many other parents can say. We are aware of this blessing daily. There can't be anything worse than having to watch a child in pain. Some fellow moms and dads, nurses, and doctors that I know have a level of courage and strength that I could only hope and pray for.
laid back on Mollie's bed
Here is Hannah's info:
weight: 22lbs. (35-40% percentile)
length: 31.5" (80%)
head circumference: 18.75" (90%)
# of teeth: 12...with constant drool
diaper size: 4 (just moved up)
clothes: 18 months
sleep schedule: about 12 hours at night and 2 naps/day averaging about an hour and a half or so each
diet: stage 3 food and toddler foods as well as an assortment of table food; 18oz. of soy milk/day
latest words: go, bye bye, amen (yes, she says after all blessings and prayers and repeatedly in church - a real preacher's kid), cookie, no ma'am (normally to the dogs), oh oh oh, oh no, and eye - and by the way she still calls her sippy cup of milk her "bowwwww" (kinda like bowel minus the L and dragging out the W)
developmentally: she's walking all over the place and getting very fast; loves to figure things out on her own or imitate us when we do things; helps me dress/undress her; eats with fingers; pushes and pulls things while walking; plays peek-a-boo; blows bubbles in water; dances; pets the dogs; turns pages of books; empties/fills containers; "helps" me put things away; tries to climb stairs...
We are working out a few things with her skin issues, but overall she is doing great.
Great details mama! :)